Thursday, May 24, 2007


So, what is the big deal about the life of Francis of Assisi? For me it is his willingness or driven-ness to live an authentic gospel-life. I am impressed because I know I could not do that. The idea of trusting that poverty was indeed what is expected of us, or at least of him and so then living a life of vows, a life of seeing Christ in all, of connecting to all, that is what impresses me. He is not called God’s Fool for nothing!

So last week I started looking up people I worked with in the mid 1970s. I looked up Jim and Judy, friends of mine who back then were living radical Christian lives and not being defined by anyone else’s political/religious dogma. What did I find out? They are now living in Thailand and ministering to young women who have been sold into the sex industry. They are living authentic, gospel-lives. I am impressed.

They then connect me to a ministry in Chicago that works with male prostitutes. Their motivation is not big numbers in church, it is not to be morally superior, it is to love. This sounds like Francis and the lepers to me, this sounds like Christ and the world to me. And now I am back in contact with Jim and Judy. One more wandering, I wonder where it will lead…


  1. Hey thanks for the mention, Carl. So cool that you found us. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Jim

  2. Oops--that post under "Marcie" was me--she was logged in via my computer, and I had no idea I was making a post in her name. Jim
