Thursday, June 21, 2007

Collegium: Worship

We are Marching in the Light of God: Gisingen

Nada te turbe

Collegium: Worship

We have been blessed by great leadership. This was true for both Mission-Values and Planning through Tom Landy, and in making sure EVERYTHING was in order thanks to Joyce Gawlick. We had great Small Group leaders and our retreat leaders helped blend the intellectual with the practiced spiritual.

However, the one group that kept all of us focused everyday were the Ministry Leaders. Megan Fox-Kelly and Marty Kelly were young but enthusiastic. They did their jobs with authority. They were sensitive, creative and fun. The provided us with guided worship in the morning and evening, they taught us styles of prayer. They organized Eucharist.

Worship was also special because the music was unbelievable. We started the week with drums, dancing and African and Caribbean rhythms. We ended with harps and Latin. Maureen Briare directed the music ministry and she was awesome. We could not keep track of all the instruments she played. Additionally, her voice was beautiful. She did not however play the didgeridoo or bagpipes, the slacker!

Some of our lessons and techniques included:

Praying with Scripture
Centering Prayer
Remembrance and Spirituality
Imagination and Prayer

The sessions often flowed seamlessly into the next activity. The Sending Forth ceremony was a wonderful integration of the Small Groups and the larger Collegium of 2007.

The music spanned all styles and cultures and included:

Uganda Aaleluya!
We Are Marching
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Christ Be Our Light
Nada Te Turbe
O God Beyond All Praising
And a number of songs written and composed by Maureen.

This was the fuel, along with fantastic food, that kept us going!

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