Today is the Feast of St. Francis. So, what is there to celebrate? Far too much for one little post. Here was a man who had been the life of the party who chose to become a Fool for God. A man who gave up wealth, comfort and position to live an authentic gospel life. A man who embraced Lady Poverty and the leper. A man who was suspicious of book learning and yet whose movement lead to not only a spiritual tradition but an intellectual tradition.
What is important to Franciscans?
The Incarnation and the Passion (see “Love”)
Peace and peace-making
All creatures and Creation
Have a great Feast Day
hi there, thanks for passing by my blog; as you have understood I won't be able to access my blog for these coming months as I'll be off in a three months retreat leaving on Monday; but I'll be back soon afterwards...
Ciao from Rome and I'll keep you in my prayers.
br.freddie OFM
Have a wonderful retreat. I look forward to hearing all about it. "See" you in three months. Rome, I want to be in Rome! (Do not covet, Carl, do not covet).
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