President Mugabe’s party apparently lost reelection to the opposition Movement for Democratic Change party lead by Morgan Tsvangirai. The election returns have not been disclosed. Voting or recounts are occurring, all in an n attempt to ignore or overturn the election results.
The clergy are sensitive to the explosive atmosphere and fear that their country will be yet one more country that uses a faced of democracy to in fact trample the will of the people. They worry that both sides will feel completed to react forcefully. The dangers are real.
The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops' Conference and the Zimbabwe Council of Churches together stated:
"Organised violence perpetrated against individuals, families and communities who are accused of campaigning or voting for the 'wrong' political party ... has been unleashed throughout the country,".The leaders went on to describe some of the alleged abuses. They included: torture, public humiliation, abductions and mass meetings in which people were instructed how to vote.
This is a nation in which basic needs are not being met. Food and medicines are often too expensive or in too short supply to help families survive. The church leaders were not shy in their predictions of what will happen in Zimbabwe if nations do not step in to help. The leaders went on to warn that Zimbabwe faces the same fate, genocide and violence, as Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi. They appealed to the United Nations, the Southern African Development Community and the African Unition to proved support.
The clegy knew they were gtaking a chance in making this appeal. Let us pray for Zimbabwe but also that the clergy do not trurn into our newest marytrs.
Why We Should Care: Children Singing in Zimbabwe