Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Praying for Peace with Our Friends

What could be more Peace-oriented that to be among members of The Society of Friends otherwise known as Quakers? These are the folks who early on advocated for religious tolerance. They fought (non-violently of course) against slavery. They were actively involved in the Underground Railroad. They were/are involved in women’s rights and human rights. They are involved in the struggle for peace among all people.

It seems appropriate that one of the Friends Societies in Fort Wayne meets at the Center for Nonviolence. This is a state with a long and active Quaker history. Earlham College in Richmond Indiana has its roots in that history and now contributes by educating future leaders in the Society.

So as we take time to pray daily for peace let us include our Quaker brothers and sisters because they are truly our Friends.

Derek Lamson: Quaker in Portland Oregon Singing for Peace

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