Monday, July 18, 2011

Collegium 2011: Day Nine

While others were partying and saying goodbye I slept! I awoke at 3 AM and got ready for my van ride to Boston. At 4 AM I left the College of Holy Cross. From Boston I flew to Atlanta. From Atlanta I flew to Fort Wayne. There was an hour delay. The first time I went to Collegium I arrived at 3 AM. The second time it took two days to fly from Minneapolis to Fort Wayne. A one hour delay was almost the same as being on time!

The final day was a day of goodbyes, at the school and at the airports. However, everyone understood it was also a day of hellos. I was looking forward to seeing Cathi. I looked forward to a normal routine. I also looked forward to the next Collegium.

The challenge now is for Collegium Fellows to take what they learned and apply it to their classrooms, their courses and ultimately their institutions. I look forward to hearing how that progress.

1 comment:

  1. Carl,
    Now I know where you have been. I have been trying to get a hold of you to see if you wanted to do the workshop you gave last year at the Day of Healing again. It went over really well and I would love to have you back. It is Nov. 5 and Dr. Gary Smalley will be the keynote speaker.

    I know you are busy but let me know.

    Scott Makin, Wabash Friends Counseling Center
