On their return trip Andi and Al will pick Nic (Kaio Arts) up in Indianapolis. They will then spend two and a half days at the University of Saint Francis. Stories from the Streets will perform in Gunderson Auditorium. Al and Andi will also meet with various classes. Nic will be introducing the art students to the Kaio Arts Internship program.
Bethany (Kaio) and I will be taking some of our guys down to Springfield Illinois to attend the 19th Annual HIV/STD Conference. The theme this year is Creative Strategies for Challenging Times. I look forward to the conference; there is a lot to learn. I look forward to spending time with our guys and Bethany. I really look forward to the opportunity of showing off Springfield to the guys. I have mixed feelings about the trip. The last time I was in Springfield was for my mother-in-laws memorial service. I know I will be spending time in conversation with Margaret while I am there.
Emily and Whitney will be attending the Conference of Faith and Community Based Organizations. That takes place November 3-5 in Oak Lawn Village in Illinois.
After I return I will be heading out to Indiana again. I will be home (Yeah!!) November 4-7. I will be speaking at the Day of Healing in Wabash Indiana.
On November 5th Emmaus, Kaio and volunteers will be participating in “Blue Emmaus.” This is an opportunity for folks to reminisce about some of the more challenging or powerful events in their Emmaus Ministries days. The next day is huge. It is the 20th Anniversary Banquet. Deacon John Green must be proud of the ministry he founded that has touched so many lives over the past two decades.
November 14th Kaio will be attending church at a Laborer’s For Christ Ministries church. This is a black, apostolic church. The following week, November 18-21, all of Kaio and a number of our guys will be attending the Laborer’s For Christ Sexual Relational Healing Retreat. This is an intense retreat that offers workshops and worship opportunities 24 hours a day. I am also interested because this is the product of a small church (65 members) who now offers their ministry to South Africa, Turkey and Greece. That is quite an impact.
On November 15th I will present a talk;”The Face of Discouragement: Homeless Youth in America” at the Adler School of Professional Psychology.
By the time we all gather for Thanksgiving, we, the Emmaus Ministries staff, the Kaio community and our guys will all have a lot to be thankful for. We will also be ready for some turkey, football and rest!
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