The staff attended the funeral and was well received by the family. Our guy had been a true success story but we would have been there even if that was not true. The staff them spent considerable time planning a service that would honestly reflect his life. That included his struggles as well as his gifts and successes.
The guys on the street who were not coming to the ministry center were informed about the service. This allowed them the opportunity to talk about their grief even if they could not be at the service. The service was attended by our guys, staff and Kio members, past volunteers, board members and friend. The service was simple yet powerful. It was a celebration of his life.
Memorial Service at Emmaus Ministries
I mention the prison ministry in the video. That seems out of place because it was a not a part of his life. However, what I was attempting to illustrate is that Emmaus Ministries is not only invested in the guys that come down to the ministry or who are clearly changing their lives. We are committed to walking with the guys for as long as they want us to. That includes during their prison stays, hospital stays or their entry into the work force or school.
This memorial service served to remind me how Emmaus Ministry is not a traditional social service agency. It is a compassionate and committed urban ministry. Both types of organizations are necessary for our guys to make real change. I am glad that Emmaus Ministries continues to do what it does with commitment, compassion and prayer.
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