Now it wasn’t the best time to go. We missed the best time by about two weeks. Also we went on a Sunday. That meant some of the gardens had lost their brilliance, some were damaged a little by wind. It also meant that we were traveling on a Sunday in Amish/Mennonite country. That meant the stores, restaurants and museums were closed. We did not mind. We knew this area very well.
We drove to Shipshewana, the center of Amish country in this area. We went to Elkhart and Goshen, two of our favorite digs. We also visited Essenhaus and some country gardens.
We say plenty of Amish. They were attending their house churches. That meant that early on we saw all kinds of buggies on the road. However, soon we only saw homes with buggies parked in the yard. But there were so many buggies parked in those yards.
It was a great day. The weather was sunny, the skies blue and the fields were showing that autumn was on its way. Most of all we had good company. The following will be a brief review of a wonderful day.
Amish Horses and Buggies in Wakarusa, Indiana
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