Monday, November 1, 2010

My Monday Morning Hood

I love the neighborhood I teach in. To the east is Lake Michigan and the Cultural Corridor. To the South is the Harold Washington Library. If I walk straight north I will come up to the Chicago River walk. However much closer to the school is the Daley Plaza. This includes the Picasso. Across the street is the United Methodist Chicago Temple. Next to it is the Miro statue.

Daley Plaza Looking East

If I look north from the western part of the Dely Plaza I will see the Illinois State Building. This is a unique building that may look impressive but struggles to be functional. It takes way too much energy to cool it in the summer and to keep it warm in the winter. The large open public spaces may look impressive but they are not “green.” Still, this is an exciting neighborhood to work and visit every Monday.

Daley Plaza Looking West and North

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