The walk home was chilly. It was a grey, rainy day. Not the kind of day you expect for a holiday that heralds the beginning of the summer season!
I went down to the Ministry Center early. We worked on set up. The guys were grilling, there was a lot to do. We moved furniture, put table clothes on the tables, and got out all the dishes. I peeled potatoes. It was just a big holiday time. I had to leave early because of the killer headache but after a nap I was back to normal.
The food was great. We had hamburgers, brats, Italian sausage, spaghetti, potato salad, chips and dips, cookies, brownies. We watched a movie. We talked. No group, no goals and no laundry today. It was just a time of great fellowship.
Afterwards I went up stairs and took another nap. I then went to the Dollop and read a couple of chapters. When I got back it was 8:00 P.M. and I was hungry. So I made ravioli and salad and all of us at Kiao ate together. They are a great bunch of folks.
At 10:00P.M. Chris and I went out for adoration. That was my day. It was a day of great fellowship, occasional aggravation with a headache all sandwiched between adoration. Not too shabby! Only one full day left at Emmaus and in Chicago. I am both sad and excited.
Dionne Warwick -The Battle Hymn of the Republic
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