I talk with Cathi. We are both excited about my heading home. I write.
Then I head for the Ministry Center. The place is crowded. It is a good day but a busy day. There is a greater need for structure and boundaries than usual. Our guys appear tired, some are irritable. Still the leaders are models of what can be.
After the Ministry Center we go to the Emmaus staff meeting. They are planning the Endurance Ride. This is a major fund-raiser. They give me a card and sing a song to me. What a song. Everyone in the room sings at the top of their lungs. However, they each sing a different song.! I love it.
Next Chris and I deliver supplies to Thomas Canterbury Church. It is a predominately Vietnamese congregation.
When we get home Chris cooks dinner. We, the Kaio Community eat together. I then lead us in discussion. We talk about what we value in each others different faith traditions. Finally we pray. This is my last Kaio prayer. Afterwards Chris and Nicole make Toll House cookies. I get ready for my final outreach. I will be going out with Doug. I am excited and a little sad. However, the bigger concern is that it is cold outside and raining. It will make for a memorable night.
Tomorrow I finish up here. I say my good byes. I go home to Cathi, Kerri, Reese, Anna, Tess and Leo. Fort Wayne, here I come!
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