Our community is pretty interesting. There are four of us, I am the oldest by far. We all have chores. We have “Kaio prayers” Sunday through Thursday. Tuesday night we eat as a community.
There is a real respect for private time. The result is this is a supportive, interactive community that is also very independent. My Marriage and Family students would say we have healthy boundaries; clear but flexible.
The living room has a large Celtic Cross painted on the wall. From the windows you look down on Wilson Avenue and The Friendly Towers, a.k.a, Jesus People USA. Walk down the hallway and you pass the “prayer closet”. This is the maintenance closet. On the outside is a sign that says “Beyond This Place There Be Dragons”. Inside is a chair, a few books and a number of icons. It actually is a neat little get away.
Over my bed hangs a modified San Damiano Cross, a replica of the one that hangs in the main sanctuary at the Basilica of Saint Clare. I didn’t put it there and I didn’t choose my bed so this was kind of neat.
Each day I am here I meet new guys and reconnect with the one’s I have already met. They are all so very different. I am surprised how easy it is to see them for who they are and not what thy do.
Well, time to go. Time to go walk and explore. Tommorrow I cook my first meal for the guys. I like to cook so it is actually a task I look forward to.
Peace and all Good,
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