After we got back to Camp Caleb and cleaned up we all shared in Family Night. It sat for dinner with our work teams, not our school teams. Our families were the guest of honor. The meal was a thanksgiving supper, turkey, cranberries, yams, potatoes, gravy the whole nine yards. It was great.
As we ate, talked and laughed I looked around the room and thought how could this possibly be more perfect, and then it was. Students from Florida came running in the lodge yelling, “It’s snowing” and it truly was. Not some little dandruff type snow but wet, wit, heavy, great packing stuff. It was like the final scene of the movie White Christmas, it was wonderful.
After dinner we had our jingle contest. However, before that started one of the local ladies did some clogging for us and another sang. It was great.
The jingles were about working with our families. They were clever, funny and touching.
This was followed by a time of sharing. This took a long time, we all had a lot to talk about and we did.
Finally it was over, folks met with their schools for reflection, others hiked or went to bed. At midnight I realized that with the moon out and the snow falling so heavy I had to go back outside and just walk. The students from Florida were out making snowmen, snow angels, and having snowball fights. It was a great night.
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