Workfest: Day Two. This was our first full day of work. It began with a great breakfast, biscuits and gravy, hot apple sauce, granola. I start the day off a little earlier than the rest of our team. I get up at 5 AM, shower and then join the men at the lodge. We sit near the fire place, drink coffee, talk and tell lame jokes. I love it.
We had our first morning devotion. I love that each school is in charge of devotion, the variety is interesting and it is a great way to begin and end each day.
We had our safety orientation, it consisted of a rather entertaining video on “safety fashion” and it appeared to keep everyone’s interest. It was a vast improvement over last years important but dry presentation.
We then went to our various sites. I was on the Green Two Team, clearly the best team at Camp Caleb! Each team had a lot of work cut out for them. Some drove 30 minutes, others an hour and a half to get to their worksite. Some worked in towns, others hollers or hills. Our families were with us and getting to know the people we were working for was the best part of the week.
Some teams tore houses down and rebuilt almost totally new homes, others replaced floors, roofs, doors and walls. We put up a metal roof, put in new windows and doors and paneled the living room.
We begin each day with gathering in a circle and praying at the site. We pray again at lunch time and that is also a time of sharing. For many teams this is one of the best times of the work day.
We have a great team. We are from Indiana, Michigan. Connecticut, Maine, Washington D.C. and Florida. The members are all very different. However, they are also all easy to get along with, interesting, hard-workers and funny.
When we get home we are tired. We clean up and then go to the lodge to eat. After dinner and devotion we have two presentations to listen to. One on Appalachian history and culture and the other on “Perspective on Poverty.” After the lectures it was free time. We had our USF reflections and then most of us went to bed, we were tired! All and all, it was a very good day.
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